Please to discover Natural Treatments

Lemon, Garlic, Onion, Detarium, Red Jatropha against AIDS

Lemon Recipes

Hepatitis, stones, cancer, diabetes and hypertension. Over 24 days, do a citric cure as follows:

The first day in the morning, take the juice of half a very ripe lemon in a glass of lukewarm water without sugar.

On the second day in the morning, take the juice of a ripe lemon in a glass of lukewarm water without sugar.

On the third day in the morning, take the juice of one and a half lemons in a glass of lukewarm water without sugar.

So on until the 8th where you take the juice of 4 very ripe lemons in a glass of lukewarm water without sugar.

Then, from the 9th day, reduce by half a lemon per day (three and a half, three, two and a half, two, one and a half, one and finally half) to arrive at the 15th day.

Resume as on the first day from the 16th to the 24th day.

NB: everyone must do this lemon cure regularly, once every three months (once a quarter).


Place a handful of fresh lemon tree leaves in a container with a lid, pour 1 liter of boiling water over it and leave to infuse for 1 hour.

Sweeten with honey and drink a Madeira glass, twice a day.

Angina and glossitis

Gargle with pure lemon juice in adults, and diluted in a little boiled water in children.

Injury, infected wounds.

Pure lemon

Juice is an excellent antiseptic for wounds.

Decalcification, feverish state Take, 2 to 3 times a day, a homogeneous mixture of lemon juice + moringa powder + a little hot water. Fevers.

Take an infusion prepared with 3 large ripe lemons, chopped in a liter of water and sweetened with honey.


Take in the middle of each meal, the unsweetened juice of a ripe lemon.


Make applications on the anus of strongly lemon water compresses.

Nasal bleeding

Cotton swab soaked in lemon juice.


Take the juice of a ripe lemon in a glass of hot water, twice a day.

Hepatic lithiasis.

Do a lemon cure

Cardiovascular illnesses

- Do a lemon cure regularly.

- Take one 100 mg aspirin tablet every night at bedtime.

-- Always have aspirin on you, to take in case of chest discomfort.


Take regular lemon cures.

Intestinal worms:

Pinworms For 5 days, take each morning on an empty stomach, crushed lemon seeds with honey.

NB: Each time you take the lemon, bite into a few seeds.

It is good for the body.


Using a pear make a nasal bath with: lemon juice + gray salt + a little warm water.


Do a lemon cure Against minor skin roughness Lemon has a softening action on the skin.

If you have rough elbows, knees or heels, cut a lemon in half and gently rub the affected parts for a few minutes.

Mix lemon juice with glycerin, you will get an excellent cleansing and softening lotion.

White teeth To have white teeth and reduce tartar, brush them twice a week with lemon juice then rinse your mouth.

On the other hand, avoid prolonged contact with the lemon in the mouth because its concentration of citric acid could damage the enamel of your teeth.

To stop bleeding gums after brushing your teeth, take a lemon peel and firmly rub your gums with the inside of the peel (white part).

Bronchitis and fever Take fresh lemon juice with lukewarm water and honey.

Its essence which is rich in terpenes also has an expectorant action.


When the sinuses are infected, a nasal shower is recommended: mix a few drops of fresh lemon juice and a pinch of gray salt in a little warm water, instill into the nasal cavity using an ear bulb or inhale through the nose (one drop per nostril, placed on the hand) repeating the operation two to three times.

Sneezing guaranteed, a sign that the lemon is working!


In case of migraine, it is recommended to apply lemon juice compresses or put a few slices of lemon on the temples to relieve pain.

Another solution, take a long foot bath in a basin of hot water with 3 or 4 cut lemons added.

A few things for the house

1—Vegetable, fruit or ink stains on fingers are easily removed with lemon juice.

2—To remove rust from a white cloth: place a slice of lemon between 2 layers of cloth.

Place this on the stain and press a very hot iron.

Repeat if necessary

3—To keep ants away, place a rotten lemon.

4—To clean the blackened brass, rub them with half a lemon whose section has been covered with rock salt (earth salt or rock salt).

5—To clean silver jewelry, rub it with a slice of lemon, rinse with hot water and dry.

6—For termites, dry lemon peels. Put them in small bags that you hang in the cupboards.

7—To clean a stained sink; rub the part with the mixture of half a beer glass of lemon juice and a big pinch of salt.

Beauty treatments for everyone

1—Deodorant and brittle nails.

a) Lemon juice is a good deodorant.

b) Dip a piece of cotton in the lemon juice.

Rub thoroughly morning and evening for a week.

2—Wrinkles, oily skin and faces.

a) Facial lotions, twice a day with lemon juice, help remove stains, also lighten the complexion and fight cracks, chapping, all irritations.


b) Thanks to its regulating property of cutaneous vasomotricity, lemon juice used pure softens and lightens the epidermis, especially that of people whose skin is oily.

c) morning and evening facial lotion with lemon juice with a cotton pad.

Let dry for 20 minutes in the air without wiping before cream or powder if used.

3—Red spots on the skin and freckles.

Rub the affected part with a piece of cotton wool soaked in lightly salted lemon juice.

4—Keep your hands soft. Coat them with a mixture of ripe lemon juice, cologne and glycerin in equal parts.

5—Against bad breath.

To combat it, make mouthwashes in the morning on an empty stomach, towards the evening and at night before going to bed with the following preparation:

7 tablespoons of ripe lemon

juice in a quarter of a liter of boiling water. After stirring well, add two teaspoons of powdered anise seeds.

Let stand for 4 hours and strain.


a) To give shine to your hair after shampooing and if you don't have dry hair, rinse it with a little water with lemon juice.

The latter will advantageously replace the vinegar that was once used to beautify the hair.

It will perfume it more pleasantly.

Lemon juice is used to massage the scalp, strengthen it, degrease it.

IT may be a hairspray.


a) To have very white teeth and strong gums, weekly brushing with ripe lemon juice.

b) To help a baby's teeth come out, with a very clean finger dipped in a mixture of equal parts boiled water and lemon juice, rub his gums.


To relieve them of fatigue and combat their swelling, rub them with lemon juice soaked in a piece of cotton.

viral diseases


A virus is a biological entity or a biological poison requiring a host which is often a cell, whose constituents it uses to multiply.

A virus is therefore a cellular parasite.

It can only replicate by entering a cell and using its cellular machinery.

It is a pathogenic germ (responsible for infection) and it cannot multiply outside the cells of the organism which it has infected.

It exists in an extracellular form (independent material unit then called a virion) or in an intracellular form (virus integrated in a dormant form or actively diverting the cellular machinery for the benefit of its replication).

In the intracellular form (inside the host cell), viruses are genetic elements that can replicate independently of the chromosome, but not independently of the host cell.

It is difficult to kill a virus without killing the host cell and this is what makes it difficult for antibiotics to fight viral diseases.

A virus is characterized by its inability to multiply by division.

For this, it needs to infect a host cell to use its machinery: a virus is therefore an obligatory intracellular parasite.

It is made up of one or more nucleic acid molecules (either DNA, RNA, or both).

It generally does not have any enzymes that can produce energy.

Viral disease

A viral disease, or virosis, is an illness triggered by a virus.

There are several modes of transmission: from blood-drinking insects to humans (arboviruses) and from human to human.

NB: Antibiotics are ineffective against viral diseases Arbovirosis Arboviruses are viral diseases transmitted by blood-sucking insects (hematophagous arthropods).

We currently know 500 of them, of which a hundred determine clinical manifestations in humans.

There are roughly three types of clinical manifestations: generalized febrile illnesses (dengue fever), hemorrhagic fevers (yellow fever) and encephalitis (Rift Valley fever).

Hope with African plants

Modern medicine has shown its limits in the curative treatment of viral diseases and I am convinced that the solution lies in African plants.

Our parents have always been very successful in curing viral diseases and recent research resulting from the scientific study of antiviral plants that they have been using since time immemorial has proven them right.

All the diseases that exist on earth have their remedy in nature and it is up to man to discover them.

We have a lot to learn with African medicine which is a great science.

I will mention in passing some antiviral plants with confirmed results that our parents had been using for a very long time:

Aloe Vera (juice or gel) effective against herpes virus HSV-1 and HSV2

--Boerhavia diffusa (roots) effective in the treatment of shingles and chickenpox.

--Momordica charancia (leaves, fruits, seeds) effective against the herpes virus HSV-1 and HSV2.

The momorcharins from the seeds have an inhibitory action in vitro and in vivo on the HIV virus according to the work of a team of American researchers on the one hand and Chinese on the other.

--Scoparia dulcis, Syzygium guineense, effective against herpes virus type

1. --Phyllantus amarus, Desmodium ramosissimum, effective in treating hepatitis, etc.

Viral disease Simple treatment

Remedy 1: Macerate bark and root of detarium microcarpum, garlic, ginger and pepper in sodabi alcohol or Gordon Gin or Voldka for 7 days.

Take 1 tablespoon in a large glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach, once a day

Remedy 2: Triturate the green leaves of red Jatropha in cassava or tapoca water or moringa juice.

Take one cup 3 times a day for 21 days out of 30 days.

6 months of treatment

NB: Let's not despair, African medicine advances thanks to science and trust our plants that we trample every day out of ignorance.

Plants that heal are simple and often at hand.

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