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Tisane 293:Candidose Traitement Naturel Candidose

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Comment éviter la candidose et comment soigner une candidose sans risque de récidive. Prière de découvrir les recommandations pour vaincre une candidose

La candidose, aussi désignée Aphte muguet ou moniliase, est une infection aux levures ( Candidas Albicans ). Le Candida albicans est un micro organisme ( Champignon ) qui normalement élit tranquillement domicile sur votre peau et ne dérange personne. Il se retrouve dans les voies génitales féminines, et nous le transportons tous sur notre peau, dans notre bouche et notre tube digestif (les intestins). C'est un microbe qui vit en symbiose avec nous et tant que le terrain est équilibré pas de souci.

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Comment se Produit Une Infection à Candidas Albicans ou Candisose 

Quand l'équilibre naturel est pertubé, les levures se multiplient d'une façon incontrôlable et deviennent pathogènes provoquant de la douleur et de l'inflammation. La candidose peut également survenir sur la peau, notamment sur les muqueuses du vagin et de la bouche ainsi que sur la peau du pénis, je dirai sur toute la muqueuse interne.  Une candidose généralisée se rencontre souvent chez les enfants, les personnes affaiblies et les séropositifs. Dans des cas grave, l'infection de candidas Albicans peut aussi se propager dans le système sanguin ou se développer dans certains viscères comme le foie et la rate. Dans la très vaste majorité des cas, cependant, les infections touchent la peau, la bouche et le vagin. C'est aussi une cause courante de l'érythème fessier du nourrisson. Bien qu'ennuyeuses, ces infections ne menacent pas la vie du sujet infecté.

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Une candidose est elle mortelle

 Souvent non mais prudence. En effet, la candidose peut s'avérer fatale quand elle atteint la circulation sanguine ou des organes vitaux comme le cœur, mais il s'agit de cas rares, même lorsqu'il s'agit de personnes dont les systèmes immunitaires sont affaiblis, et encore plus rares quand elle touche des personnes en bonne santé. La candidose est néanmoins une source constante d'inconvénients, et parfois une menace grave pour les personnes atteintes du sida et pour certains patients atteints d'un cancer qui n'ont pas les ressources immunitaires nécessaires pour lutter contre cette infection.

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Disponibilité : En stock, livraison en 2 jours

30,00€ HT - 30,00€ TTC

Prix au kilo : 800,00€

Candidas Albicans Traitement Naturel Candidose

Natural Candidiasis Treatment. Contact us by clicking on the image

Remède Naturel Candidose Infection Candidas Albicans

DATA SHEET of Herbal Tea 293: Natural Candidiasis Treatment

Presentation of herbal tea 293: Natural remedy against Candidas Albicans

-Powder in sachet or jar of 50g

Composition of Herbal Tea 211: Natural Cure Candidas Albicans Infection

- Antibiotic, diuretic and depurative plant extracts.

Active substances

- Antibiotic, diuretic and depurative tannins.

Indications: Bacterial infections of Candidas Albicans Price: 30 €

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Candidose Aphtes Muguet Candidose Buccale Candidose Génitale

Candidiasis or Candidas Albicans infection can affect one or more parts of the body, causing superficial, deep, or sometimes severe infections. We notice

Oral candidiasis

Genital Candidiasis

Oral Candidiasis Natural Treatment Oral Candidiasis

Oral candidiasis, commonly called thrush, affects the oral cavity and particularly affects newborns, patients who are subjected to immunosuppressants, antibiotic treatments, or massive corticosteroids, people with AIDS, or even weakened by other serious illnesses (cancer, diabetes, chronic urinary tract infection).

This infection results in the presence of a whitish deposit on the mucous membranes of the mouth, causing burns and unpleasant tingling. This sign may also be accompanied by other symptoms, such as pain, loss of appetite, inflammation, irritation, and discomfort when swallowing.

If left untreated, this infection is at risk of spreading and affecting other organs, such as the larynx and esophagus. Candidiasis then takes the form of esophageal or oropharyngeal candidiasis. This condition is, however, rare and usually only occurs as part of the opportunistic diseases associated with AIDS. We offer you herbal tea 293 to ensure complete recovery without risk of recurrence

Genital candidiasis Natural treatment Genital candidiasis

Genital candidiasis is also caused by infection with Candida albicans. This condition, however, is not considered to be a sexually transmitted disease (STD), but mainly due to a poor lifestyle or a physiological defect, which disrupts the pH of the genital mucous membranes.

In women, this is called vaginal candidiasis, or vulvovaginal candidiasis, also called candidiasis vaginitis. According to an epidemiological study, as many as 75% of women experience an episode of vaginal candidiasis once in their lifetime. The risks of recurrence, in the event of inadequate treatment or factors favoring the imbalance of the vaginal flora, are very high. Long-term treatment with antibiotics or corticosteroids, diabetes mellitus, using overly aggressive toiletries, increased estrogen levels due to pregnancy or taking birth control pills, IUDs, or simply wearing synthetic underwear, can increase the risk of contracting this vaginitis.

The main clinical signs of vaginal candidiasis are a whitish vaginal discharge or leucorrhoea, without a disturbing odor. The greenish discharge, with a persistent amine odor (similar to a fishy odor), mainly concerns bacterial infections. In some cases, patients may also complain of intromissional dyspareunia, which is pain during intercourse, vaginal pruritus, and external dysuria, or difficulty urinating. These symptoms mostly appear a few days before your period.

In males, genital candidiasis presents as urethritis, or inflammation of the urethra, which manifests as a discharge and dysuria. This infection can sometimes be associated with balanitis, which is an inflammation of the glans penis. Red spots, associated with irritation and pain, are the main signs. In the case of Candida balanitis, the patient must be treated properly, so as not to infect their sexual partner. Herbal tea 293 is very effective against genital candidiasis. In case of vaginitis, please combine herbal tea 041

Cutaneous candidiasis Natural treatment Candidiasis

Cutaneous candidiasis, also known under the term candidiasis infection, particularly affects the skin and integuments (hair, and nails). This form of candidiasis develops especially in areas of the body prone to moisture, such as the armpits, groin, interdigital areas, under the breasts, between the buttocks, and under the fingernails. The condition presents as a redness covered with a whitish layer, or a painful, inflammatory swelling.

Complicated Forms of Candidiasis Natural Candisosis Treatment

Systemic candidiasis, or candidemia, is one of the most serious forms of candidiasis, with an average death rate of 40 to 50%. Although rare, this insidious condition can be the consequence of exogenous nosocomial contamination, especially in subjects who have had intravascular catheters; or a passage of the yeast that has colonized the digestive tract or the genital system into the blood. This second case is favored by the weakening or ulceration of the mucous membranes due to a deficit of white blood cells for example, to long-term antibiotic treatments, or even after chemotherapy.

This complicated form of candidiasis should be watched closely as it can lead to serious illnesses, such as meningitis, stroke, bacterial pericarditis, and ankylosing arthritis. The subjects most likely to contract it are especially those hospitalized with the departments of surgery, hematology, and respiratory assistance.

The decline in immune defenses, in patients with AIDS or subjected to long-term corticosteroids or immunosuppressants, may promote other equally serious forms of candidiasis, such as visceral candidiasis and moniliasis granuloma.


Candidiasis cannot be caught. The yeast is already there. There are a number of factors that can increase the risk of yeast overgrowth. One of the most common causes is the overuse of antibiotics. In order to live on us, yeasts have to compete with various other organisms, the majority of which are bacteria. These bacteria, which thrive on the skin, in the intestine, and in the vagina, among other places, are harmless but effectively fight yeasts. When antibiotics are prescribed to kill more harmful bacteria, they also kill harmless bacteria. Yeasts that are not affected by antibiotics spread to places left vacant by bacteria, and begin to grow and multiply.

Steroids and some cancer drugs weaken the immune system and can promote yeast overgrowth. Infections of the mouth with Candida albicans (also known as oral thrush) most often affect people with diseases such as cancer and AIDS. People with diabetes and those who wear dentures that cause chronic irritation are also more susceptible to oral thrush. Taking oral contraceptives increases the risk of developing vaginal candidiasis. Hot temperatures, poor hygiene, and tight clothing are also risk factors, as they create the ideal environment for candida.

Other factors that promote the overgrowth of Candida include obesity and pregnancy. The yeast usually infects the intertriginous regions, that is, the places where the skin is in contact with itself. Overweight people have more skin folds. They also sweat more than others, and Candida albicans likes wet skin. Pregnancy increases estrogen levels, which increases the risk of infection.

Candidiasis is not considered a sexually transmitted infection because it is unlikely that an infected woman will transmit it to her sexual partner. However, if the infection continues to recur, the sexual partner may also undergo treatment.

Symptoms and Complications

Candida infections of the skin lead to the appearance of a red, well-defined skin patch that itches and bumps fluid. It can be lined with scabs and pustules. It is usually found in areas such as the groin, the folds of the buttocks, the space between the breasts, toes, or fingers, and in the navel. This plaque can be difficult to see on the dark skin of some people.

A vaginal yeast infection can cause a thick, white, lumpy-looking substance like cottage cheese to discharge with little or no odor. They appear in the vagina as an itching or a burning sensation, especially during the emission of urine or sexual intercourse which often generates pain or a feeling of discomfort.

A superficial periungual whitlow is a form of candidiasis that affects the nails. This infection is more common in people who often have their hands in water. It sometimes causes painful, red swelling of the fingers. In the most severe cases, the nails may peel off and reveal a discolored whitish or yellow nail bed.

Oral thrush causes white curd-like patches to appear inside the mouth, on the tongue and palate, and around the lips. It can also cause cracked, reddish, moist areas to appear on the skin at the corners of the lips. Thrush patches sometimes cause pain.

Infections of the penis caused by Candida are rare, but they can lead to swelling and red coloring of the tip of the penis, as well as pain.

Candidose Remède Naturel Candidose Traitement Candisose

Nous vous offrons une La médecine naturelle en générale et surtout la médecine africaine privilégie le travail de terrain, de drainage et d’assainissement du milieu humain et toute composition digne de ce nom comporte non seulement des plantes spécifiques contre le mal à soigner et surtout des plantes dépuratives qui ont rôle de débarrasser l’organisme de toxines, des microbes tués, affaiblis ou mis hors d’état de nuire. La plupart des maladies chroniques trouvent une solution dans cette approche.

La poudre, de part sa composition est riche en principes actifs d’efficacité prouvée contre les  Candidas Albicans . Elle renferme en outre des éléments diurétiques et dépuratifs pour faciliter l’évacuation  des microbes exterminés et l’assainissement des zones atteintes..


Infections bactériennes  de  Candidas Albicans

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Candidose Prévention Candidose Recommandations

Les quelques mesures d'hygiène ci-après peuvent contribuer à prévenir la candidose génitale :

Essuyez-vous de l'avant vers l'arrière après avoir fait vos besoins - les levures sont présentes en grand nombre dans la région rectale ;

Épongez-vous bien après un bain, et veillez tout particulièrement à sécher les poils du pubis - au besoin, employez un séchoir à cheveux au réglage le plus bas ;

Abstenez-vous de savonner la région vaginale - le savon tue les bactéries utiles et n'a aucun effet sur les levures ;

Stérilisez ou jetez les sous-vêtements que vous avez portés durant votre dernière infection - l'eau de lavage à la machine n'est pas suffisamment chaude, vous devez les faire bouillir si vous voulez les garder. Vous devez également vous procurer de nouveaux diaphragmes ou de nouvelles capes cervicales) ;

Évitez les substances chimiques contenues dans les tampons parfumés et les douches vaginales, elles n'ont aucune utilité et peuvent provoquer une infection.

Évitez les collants et les pantalons serrés ;


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