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Onion, How to use Onion against AIDS and other Diseases

Onion Recipes


Crush the onion and put it in a compress to apply on the abscess. This compress makes him mature


-Cures of raw onions

-The onion has a soothing and fortifying action on the nerves. helps the organs that produce red blood cells to produce healthy cells and to avoid alterations in the leukocyte balance.

By its richness in silica and sulphur, the onion strengthens the vessels and constitutes an antiseptic for the blood.

By its favorable action on the liver which develops hemoglobin. the wide .consumption of onion is an excellent adjuvant in the treatment of anemia.


Boil in water for 10 minutes 2 to 3 tablespoons of chopped onion.

Take a cup in the morning on an empty stomach and another in the evening (sugar, with honey).

Azotemia or Uremia Through its purifying and purifying role, onion is an excellent adjuvant in the treatment of excess urea.

¬ Raw onion juice cures for a week. buzzingears

Introduce 2 to 3 drops of onion juice mixed with warm almond or olive oil into the ear.


On a burn, apply crushed and salted onion.


Crush the leaves of the plant 'Yra' scientific name Clausena anisata (Rutaceae) with those of the onion and instill it in the nostrils.

Hair loss

Mix well crushed onion, salt and pepper with shea butter and work through hair


Boil a chopped onion for 10 to 15 minutes in honey-sweetened water and drink a glass, twice a day. Diabetes. Make an onion cure.


Boil 2 large or 3 medium onions in a liter of water for ten minutes and leave to infuse for a quarter of an hour. Strain with expression and sweeten with honey.

Take a beer glass 3 times a day on an empty stomach. infant diarrhea Infuse, for 2 hours, 3 tablespoons of chopped onion in 1/2 liter of boiling water. Sweeten with honey.

Physical depression

Use onion widely, at any age, during periods of physical depression, when you have an extra effort to provide.

Onion and honey are particularly suitable for learners during the exam period.


Leave to infuse in a covered container for 30 minutes 5 to 6 tablespoons of chopped onions in less than 1/2 Ittre of boiling water. Take a 1/2 beer glass sweetened with a teaspoonful of honey. this every hour. The onion increases the secretion of pancreatic and gastric juices thus facilitating the contraction of the gallbladder and the flow of bile.

Enteritis and Colitis

Mix a tablespoon of onion juice with a tablespoon of honey. Stir and drink away from meals 3 times a day. Do not extract the onion juice too far in advance.


Make puffs of the onion that has just been cut and draw the juice from it from time to time.


Decoction of a large chopped onion in three (3) glasses of water.

After cooking, there is about a glass of decoction left to drink in the morning on an empty stomach.

High fever

Put the patient's feet up to the ankle in fifteen (15) handfuls of finely chopped onions.

The fever will drop very quickly while waiting for a medical consultation. Boils Make a poultice of cooked onions on the diseased part to promote the exit of pus.


Cook a crushed onion with shea oil and make cold plasters.


Onion and garlic dissolve the deposits that harden the arteries and cleanse the fatty deposits that line the arterial walls and thus prevent clogging of the arteries.

Everyday simply take boiled onions for breakfast and lunch.


The onion has its indication if the impotence comes from a nervous weakening, from a depression.

If it is only a sign of asthenia. Make a cure of onion juice + lemon juice + honey.


--Soak sick finger in hot onion juice.

-- Make hot poultices of cooked onions on the affected part


Absorb a little of the freshly squeezed raw onion juice. pure or with added honeyed water.


Introduce a tampon soaked in onion juice into the painful cavity to soothe the pain while consulting the dentist.


-- Put on the affected part a poultice of well crushed onion.

--Sniff a slice of cut onion. Massage temples and forehead and relax.

Dog or cat bite

The crushed raw onion poultice disinfects and heals the wound.

Snake bites Feed the patient a mixture of onion juice + securidaca powder

Contact U.S

Attack of nerves

An onion cut in half and inhaled strongly relieves

Nervous breakdown

The onion-honey syrup is particularly indicated in case of excessive nervousness.


-Eat a lot of raw onions in salads and in all dishes. The active substances of onions are effective in dissolving superfluous fat and regulating metabolism.

Onion is a good purifier of toxins.


Make a large place for the raw onion in the everyday diet.

Cancer prevention Make a large place for the raw onion in the everyday diet. Insect bites .

Clean the area with soap and water.

Fresh Onion Juice will ease the pain. Rub the area with the green stem and bulb of an onion for two 2 minutes.


Onion complements the effect of magnesium and salts, promotes retrocession of prostate distention.

The cure consists of consuming 2 to 4 large raw onions per day for months, interrupting one week per month for the onset of the illness


Boil 3 large unpeeled but chopped onions in a liter of water for 10 minutes.

Drink a cup in the morning on an empty stomach and another in the evening.


Take 2-5 tablespoons of onion syrup + lemon juice daily. But remember that you have to let the cold go because it is a natural process of purification. peptic ulcer disease

Take the onion juice + honey mixture for two weeks, 3 times a day.

Cough Bake a large onion in the oven or under the ashes, dilute it in hot water sweetened with honey.

Drink a cup, along with meals 3 times a day.


Rub the affected part with chopped and pounded onion which has been macerated for 20 minutes in lemon juice.


--A piece of onion left in the air for a while oxidizes quickly and becomes harmful.

Never save cut onions for later use. So don't let your onion juice linger.

--. To restore shine to varnished shoes, belts or bags.

rub them with a slice of onion, -

-A slice of onion perfectly cleans windows and knife blades. even slightly rusty.

-- To preserve copper objects from fly stains. brush with onion juice.

--Onion juice gives "sympathetic ink"

The writing obtained with this juice is invisible but it appears as soon as the paper is exposed to a heat source.

Some use this process to fool the naive.

Indeed the charlatan gives you a very blank sheet visibly to put at the bedside and everything becomes clearly legible the next day you think you are doing a work of wit but no wit and only manipulation.

--The onion fed regularly to the poultry got them healthy.

-- To clean brass instruments. the mixture of moist earth and crushed onion makes an excellent product.

- Pieces of cut onions next to the bed keep mosquitoes away.

-- To make the odor on the hands disappear. rub them with salt water.

--To clean a frosted glass light bulb. rub it with an onion peel.

Onion is very rich in antioxidants A 100g onion provides 13% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C, in addition to vitamin A, selenium, quercetin and anthocyanins.

Ideal for reducing symptoms of bronchitis, pharyngitis, colds and other respiratory conditions.

Yellow and red onions can have up to eight times the antioxidant activity of other varieties, according to a study conducted at Cornell University in New York State.

It's a real slimming ally In addition to their exquisite taste, onions are essential companions in any diet or food rebalancing project.

They only have about 44 calories.

Being rich in fiber, onion stimulates digestion and facilitates it.

To make the most of its virtues, it is better to taste it raw.

Onion is good for the cardiovascular system

Regular consumption of onion is beneficial and prevents the possible formation of blood clots.

It protects against the risk of vessel obstruction and thrombosis.

Onion protects us against cancer As doctors Richard Béliveau and Denis Gingras write in their book foods against cancer,onions provide polyphenols in our bodies.

This molecule would prevent the growth of a very large number of cancer cells.

Onion helps children grow well

The onion participates in the good development of the fetus during the first weeks of pregnancy as well as in the growth of children thanks to its high folic acid content.

It strengthens the bones According to the results of studies conducted by the National Institute for Agronomic Research (INRA), quercetin slows down bone loss due to menopause, both in terms of bone stiffness and density.

Onion alleviates premenstrual symptoms

Women eating a manganese-rich diet had fewer stomach aches and mood swings than those on a manganese-free diet, according to a 1990 study in North Dakota.

Onion reduces high blood pressure

A University of Utah study published in 2007 also showed that quercetin reduced high blood pressure.

Regular consumption would therefore decrease diastolic and systolic pressures.

The heart working less, he would suffer less stress.

Onion and virus disease Macerate for 7 days in sodabi alcohol or Gordon Gin 100g of onion, 100g of cinnamon and red jatropha roots.

Drink a tablespoon in a glass of water, twice a day

It prevents anemia In addition to all the other antioxidants, the onion provides us with phosphorus, iron and vitamin E.

Which helps regenerate red blood cells

It relieves earaches

In order to take advantage of its anti-inflammatory and anti-viral benefits, take a piece of the heart of the onion, heat it for 30 seconds in the microwave, then place it in your ear (do not press it) for 10 minutes.

If the discomfort persists, do not hesitate to consult your doctor.

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