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Beurre, Fromage, Oeuf et Lait.

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    African Medicine, Health by Plants natural treatment of diseases: Fibroids, myomas, ovarian cysts, hepatitis B, Varicocele, female infertility, male infertility, Lupus, blocked tubes, Prostatitis, cancers, etc.
  • 10 tips to get pregnant naturally and quickly

    10 tips to get pregnant naturally and quickly. You can and it's simple and not binding. You just have to want to get pregnant and even the fallopian tubes are blocked, you will succeed. Courage, we are here to help you and have no fear. Soon you will be a mother.
  • 11-Three axes to boost sexual energy. Hard bandage

    Consult an osteopath, preferably a gynaecological osteopath, to improve the balance of the pelvis
  • 12 tips to lose your emotional pounds, lose weight quickly

    12 tips to lose your emotional pounds, lose weight quickly without suffering. The advice is simple, practical, pragmatic with good results. You hardly have to buy anything to achieve great results. How to easily lose emotional pounds. Discover the tips
  • Azoospermia: definition, causes, diagnosis, natural remedy

    Azoospermia: definition, causes, diagnosis, natural remedy. Useful plants to remedy this are in this section as well as the herbal teas you need to overcome azoospermia, become fertile again and have many children. I beg you to discover this treatment
  • Breast feeding.

    Breast feeding.
  • Butter.

    Butter with Afrique-santé-bio
  • Cheese.

    Cheese with Afrique-Tisanes.
  • Egg accidents.

    Egg accidents.
  • Gongoli, Miracle plant to get pregnant quickly

    Gongoli, Miracle plant to get pregnant quickly you have to learn how to use the Gongoli and 4 sides. Learn more by patiently reading the whole article. We are able to supply the Gongoli and 4 sides at any time. Just write to us and you will have these plants at your door.
  • How to consume milk

    How to consume milk with Afrique-tisanes.
  • L'oeuf.

    The egg with Afrique-Tisanes.
  • Milk Digestion Conditions

    Milk Digestion Conditions
  • Myomas, fibroids and ovarian cysts

    Myomas, fibroids, ovarian cyst, how to make fibroids disappear with natural remedies internal tumors? With Afrique-tisanes there is a more effective solution through medicinal plants. Please discover our herbal recipes and formulas against internal tumors
  • Necrospermia, Necrozoospermia, Definition, Cause, Treatment

    Necrospermia, Necrozoospermia, Definition, Cause, Simple, natural and effective treatment to overcome the evil and become fertile again. After the treatment you will be able to get your wife pregnant very quickly. You will have children and many children. Don't be afraid, the cure is fine
  • Primary Varicocele, Bilateral Varicocele, Diagnosis, Remedy

    Primary varicocele, Secondary varicocele, Diagnosis, Effective natural herbal remedy. The combination of herbal teas 58, 74, 75 and 76. Please discover the herbal teas and the plants that compose them. It is a radical healing treatment against any form of varicocele.
  • Price of the herb teas (Africa herb teas, plants African)

    Africa herbal tea have  remedies for much of diseases: sex, sterility, impotence, tiredness, large penis, hepatitis, varicocèle,fibrome, drépanocytose, etc
  • Products and prices ( Herbal tea of africa)

    Herbal Teas and Herbal Solutions
  • Purchase Order.

    Purchase Order.
  • Teratospermia, Definition, Cause, Consequence, Natural Remedy

    Teratospermia, Definition, Cause, Consequence, Natural remedy to end it, become fertile again, procreate and have as many children as desired naturally. Please discover the plants used and the 25O remedy which remains the best in the field.
  • Testicular varicocele,Herbs to treat varicoceles

    Testicular varicocele,Plants to treat varicoceles. Herbs and herbal teas are available for total cure of varicocele. Remedies 58, 74, 75 and 76 are effective with certain cure in a very short time. Contact us to start your treatment.
  • The adult and the milk

    Adults and milk with Afrique-Tisanes
  • Uterine fibroids, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatments

    Utérus Fibromateux,Fibromes,Symptômes, Examens,Traitements pour s'en débarrasser. Nous avons mis au point une combinaison de plantes dans les tisanes 10,11, 203, 203, etc pour éliminer rapidement toute forme de fibromes, de myomes. Le traitement vide l'utérus de son mauvais contenu en un mois
  • Varicocele: Causes, Consequences,Natural Varicocele Remedies

    Varicocele: Causes, Consequences,Natural Varicocele Remedies. You don't need to have varicocele surgery because the likelihood of a full cure with surgery is low. Many have had surgery before resorting to our herbal teas, which remain the best therapies against varicocele.
  • Varicocele: Generality, Causes, Consequences, Natural Remedies

    Varicocele: Generality, Causes, Consequences, Natural Remedies. No man is immune to a varicocele and every man should be aware of it before it's too late. But once the diagnosis has been made, please come to us because we have good experience in the field.
  • Varicocele: a varicose vein in the testicles, Definition, remedies

    Varicocele: Definition, Causes, Symptoms, Simple Remedies. Varicocele is a common disease these days and we don't know why / Varicose veins in the testicles have made many men sterile by destroying sperm. We have the solution and do not hesitate to contact us