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Natural Remedy Female Infertility. Recipes to get pregnant


Natural remedy for female infertility. Recipes to get pregnant. Female infertility, female sterility. Recipe and herbal tea to get pregnant. We have herbal tea 60 which treats and cures many diseases, female infertility and blocked fallopian tubes. Several women have become mothers with this remedy. It is one of the best remedies to get pregnant. Female infertility, female sterility. Recipe and herbal tea to get pregnant. We have herbal tea that treats and cures many diseases, female infertility and blocked fallopian tubes. Several women have become mothers with this remedy. It is one of the best remedies to get pregnant.

Remedy 060 cures infertility from non-organic causes in women. In case of fibroids, cysts, please take herbal tea No. 10 adapted to these situations. The herbal tea is effective in case of blocked tubes, absence of ovulation, lack of cervical mucus, dirty periods, hormonal problems. If in doubt, please consult your doctor.

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Plant extracts


Anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, depurative, immunoreconstituent, antioxidant, etc.

Active subtances

-tannins, flavonoids, etc.


Powder in jar or sachet


Read the leaflet


Female sterility, blocked tubes, absence of ovulation, irregular periods, lack of cervical mucus,

Side effects


Duration of treatment

Three months renewable


50 euros per unit. You need 4 herbal teas 60 per month and 12 for the 3 months of treatment


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-powder in sachet or 50g jar


-Plant extracts

Active subtances

-- tannins, flavonoids, etc.

Price: €50

Therapeutic effects

Natural remedy for female infertility. Recipes to get pregnant. Herbal Tea No. 060 treats female sterility, regulates the menstrual cycle, promotes ovulation, unclogs the tubes, improves the quality of cervical mucus and makes the woman fertile. The herbal tea is effective in case of blocked tubes, absence of ovulation, lack of cervical mucus, dirty periods, hormonal problems. If in doubt, please consult your doctor.


Female sterility, blocked tubes, absence of ovulation, irregular periods, lack of cervical mucus,

Manual :

Boil a tablespoon of the powder in a liter of water, let cool and strain. Keep cool. Drink half glass, 3 times a day for six months. Add the juice of a ripe lemon to the plug. Regain control before stopping treatment completely.

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Good remedy to unclog blocked tubes, facilitate ovulation and conception. Allows the woman to get pregnant quickly.

NB: Herbal Tea 060 regulates the menstrual cycle, promotes ovulation, improves the quality of cervical mucus and makes the woman fertile. Good remedy. Ideal remedy to get pregnant naturally and have a baby. The sterile woman will again become very fertile to the point of having twins. So fast and good.

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Female infertility. Recipes to quickly get pregnant. If you really want a baby, remedy 60 is a good solution. Please find out.

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