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EWE 37: Cervicitis: definition symptom cause treatment cervicitis

Cervicitis: definition symptoms causes treatment cervicitis. How to recognize cervicitis? What causes cervicitis? With what treatments to treat it and how to avoid recurrences in case of cervicitis? On this page you will find answers and solutions to your concern about your inflammation of the cervix

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Cervicitis: Definition Symptoms Causes and Treatments

Definition: What is cervicitis?

Cervicitis is inflammation of the cervix. It is usually caused by sexually transmitted diseases or an opportunistic germ. Sometimes cervicitis is asymptomatic, but it can cause vaginal bleeding or discharge, frequent urination if associated with urethritis in some STDs, and painful intercourse. Cervicitis is diagnosed on gynecological examination of samples analyzed in the laboratory. To treat cervicitis, you have to find the cause and treat the problem at its root to avoid recurrences

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What causes in women?

The causes of cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix) are often infectious. Among the germs that cause cervicitis, the most common is Chlamydia infection, followed by gonococcus and genital herpes. The bacteria ureaplasma and mycoplasma, which are not sexually transmitted in themselves, can also cause cervicitis. Cervicitis can also be due to a global vulvovaginal infection. In papillomavirus infections (condyloma, genital warts), viral colpitis - in other words cervicitis - in the form of a red stippling, can be demonstrated, but only on examination with a speculum. She is asymptomatic, the search for HPV (human papillomavirus) is positive and most often the cytological smear will reveal cellular abnormalities linked to HPV infection, dysplasia,

Is the IUD in Cause?

No, not at all because the IUD is above the cervix. On the other hand, several studies show that cervicitis can go up more easily to the cervix with a copper IUD. In general, the copper IUD increases the risk of infection, with a higher risk at the time of insertion. Thus, it is preferable to take a sample before inserting the IUD

Learn More About Vaginitis and Cervicitis

What are the symptoms ?


Cervicitis is often associated with vaginitis and sometimes vulvitis. Thus, it also causes losses which tend to be colored, sometimes fragrant or even purulent when it is a gonococcus. However, white discharge can also go almost unnoticed when it comes to Chlamydia or ureaplasma. Besides pain in the lower abdomen, there may be tenderness in the cervix during intercourse or on vaginal examination if the cervix is touched. Cervicitis may also cause no symptoms.

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Diagnosis and gynecological examinations

Cervicitis can be confused with vulvitis or vaginitis. Thus, the gynecologist will look for discharge or bleeding in the cervix by touch. He may also take a sample to look for microorganisms involved in sexually transmitted diseases. Since cervicitis is often asymptomatic, it may also be discovered incidentally during a routine gynecological examination.

Treatments: how to treat cervicitis?

The treatment of cervicitis is based on antibiotic therapy which is determined according to the microbe or virus involved. For example, for Chlamydia infection, Azithromycin is indicated. In case of gonorrhea, Ceftriaxone is prescribed. "In HPV viral colpitis, it is the cervical smear that guides the action to be taken (colposcopy, monitoring, conization, etc.), comments the specialist. In each, an herbal tea can be used to naturally treat cervicitis

How to treat inflammation of the cervix?

Endometritis is treated with antibiotics, usually by ova. The treatment lasts between 10 days and 3 weeks. The sexual partner of the infected person may also need to be treated if the route of transmission is an STI to prevent recurrence or mutual contagion. In case of vulvitis, cervititis and vaginitis a herbal cream is useful

How to prevent recurrences?

To prevent cervicitis, protect yourself against sexually transmitted infections by wearing a condom during sex. You can also take probiotics to replenish the vaginal flora

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