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Herbal Tea 120: Gynecomastia Man, Natural Remedy Gynecomastia

Natural Treatment for Gynecomastia (Man), Natural Remedy Gynecomastia to remove adipose tissue from the chest in men.  Gynecomastia Natural Remedy is a good fat sensor. It eliminates fat tissue and tones the chest. Please discover the recipe . Please to join us .

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What is gynecomastia and how does the Gynecomastia Natural Remedy work? Gynecomast ia is an enlargement of the male breast due to the excessive development of adipose tissue or breast fat under and around the nipple. The man has developed breasts giving the appearance of female breasts, which quite often induces a complex because it constitutes a form of attack on virility which can lead, from adolescence, to a withdrawal into oneself: impossibility of going bare-chested in public (at the beach, at the swimming pool, in sports locker rooms, etc.), wearing close-fitting clothes, etc. In addition to the psychological problems it causes, gynecomastia can sometimes be painful.

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The causes are numerous, including a hormonal imbalance between the male hormones testosterone in sharp decline and female estrogen in sharp rise, taking certain medications (steroids, digitalis, amphetamines, etc.), taking drugs (alcohol, tobacco, cocaine, heroin, anabolic narcotic, etc.), certain genetic diseases such as: Kennedy's disease, Klinefelter's syndrome, androgen insensitivity syndrome and others. For physiological reasons, the disease can appear at any time in the elderly man in the event of a sharp drop in testosterone and an exaggerated rise in the female hormone testosterone. There are also pathological causes (cancers, kidney failure, kidney cancer, thyroid cancer, liver cirrhosis, testicular tumors, etc.), certain testicular hormonal deficiencies, Klinefelter's syndrome (when the man has extra chromosomes), Addison's disease, acromegaly, Steinert's myotonic dystrophy.

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Herbal Tea No. 120: Gynecox 1, Gynecomastia Hypertrophy of male breasts is a plant-based food supplement that eats fat and adipose tissue that eliminates breast fat in the chest in a short time.

Technical sheetThe Herbal Tea N°120: Gynecox 1, Natural Gynecomastia Remedy

The powder that degreases, purifies and revitalizes.


-Powder in transparent bag.

- Weight: 50g


Vegetable and mineral elements

Active subtances:

Astringent and absorbent tannins, anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrinolytic glycosides, sterols, etc.

Price: 30 €

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The Natural Gynecomastia Treatment for men, Natural Gynecomastia Remedy cleanses the chest and eliminates fatty tissue from the chest in men. Herbal Tea No. 120: Gynecox 1, Natural Gynecomastia Treatment for Men, Gynecomastia Natural Remedy or Gynecomastia Hypertrophy of Male Breasts is a herbal fat food supplement that eliminates fat in the chest in a short time. It is a great depurative, a fat binder and a good conditioner.

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Gynecomastia, Hypertrophy of male breasts

Instructions for use Read the instructions

Male gynecomastia, what treatment to bring the chest back to normal, get rid of excessive adipose tissue and harmful fat. Find out.

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